QSO log matching and QSL policy

Please read below my actual paper QSL card policy before requesting paper QSL.

All my IOTA activations are available for automated credit for IOTA program free of charge via IOTA IT Management system. Please use IOTA paperless QSO matching with Club Log. Visit IOTA website and follow the instructions. This applies to my IOTA activations of OC-164, OC-183 and OC-206, and to all future DXpeditions and activations.

If you need QSL card for collection purposes, or for the other than IOTA diploma/program, which does not support electronic way, please note that:

   - You have to contact me to find out of there is still QSL blancs available.
   - Only limited quantity of blancs printed for each activation. They are expensive. Post is expensive. Time to print, fill, post, track - is expensive too. Hence, QSL cards are only for people, who really need them. Please consider twice if you definitely need paper QSL.
   - All my QSL cards are distributed directly and upon request only. No bureau. No exeptions.
   - PayPal is the only payment option, as it is trackable and reliable, even 10% fee payable for its services. Please do not send direct mail, it is not accepted and will be returned.
   - Ex-UA zone only served with dedicated QSL manager, all other zones requests should be directed to me.
   - Please note, that if you did not want to bother yourself and you after QSL 2-3 years post-activation, you may expect there is no QSL blancs left.
   - Read Instructions how to request paper QSL, if you decided to take this path.

Уважаемые коллеги из ex-CCCР. У IOTA работает системы электронных зачетов. Начиная с июля 2016 года вам больше не нужны бумажные QSL карточки для аккредитаций по программе IOTA. Просто следуйте описанной на веб-сайте IOTA процедуре автозачета. Для тех, кому бумажная карточка активаций OC-164, OC-183 and OC-206 нужна для коллекции или зачета по другим программам - связывайтесь со мной напрямую. Пожалуйста учтите, что количество карточек лимитировано; если вы обращаетесь за карточкой через несколько лет после активации, то не огорчайтесь, если вам ответят, что бланки закончились.